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2024 IFEZ Landscape Awards Ceremony

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2024-12-13 Views200

On Thursday, December 12, 2024, IFEZ held a landscape award ceremony. Marking its second anniversary after last year, the Landscape Award aims to encourage efforts and achievements that have contributed to the formation of the landscape in the Incheon Free Economic Zone by selecting excellent architectural design among the architectural plans presented to the IFEZ Landscape Committee. The grand prize was awarded to the ▲ Cheongna Medical Complex Town Medical Facility (Seoul Asan Cheongna Hospital), and the six works for the excellence prize were finally selected, and in the general building category, the ▲Songdo Ic-1-5 Block Knowledge Industry Center ▲ Cheongna C6-S4-7,8 Block Neighborhood Living Facility ▲ Cheongna IHP Bluecom Factory Facility ▲Songdo Ia-7(2) Block KZ R&D Center, ▲Songdo A8 Block Apartment Housing for Residential Building, and ▲Songdo Go Block Advanced 1 High School for Public Building. The Incheon Economic Office plans to inform architects of the concept and the process of design of architectural design directly at the IFEZ Landscape Academy, which introduces and promotes excellent architectural design.