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Report on the Initiation of Innovation Ecosystem Creation Project to Create a Foundation for Innovation Cluster in Incheon Free Economic Zone and Strengthen Corporate Capabilities

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2024-03-04 Views526

On February 29, 2024, (Thursday), IFEZ held a briefing session on the initiation of an innovation ecosystem to create a foundation for innovation clusters in the Incheon Free Economic Zone and to strengthen corporate capabilities. This project will include △ establishment and provision of information (establishment of database for analysis of types of occupant enterprises and current status of industry in the Free Economic Zone (FEZ), △ innovation network (establishment of a cooperative network-consultative body between innovative institutions and occupant enterprises), △support for special regulations (support for meetings and consulting to resolve regulations), △support for commercialization of technology (acquisition of certification, technical advice, support for patent-based R&D, support for design and product improvement) and △support for investment attraction capacity building (preparation for entering and entering the global market, operation of accelerating programs for global investment attraction), △ participation in exhibitions (support for participation in exhibitions to attract investment and promote companies), and △ operation support (survey of satisfaction level of supporting companies).