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Songdo International City Signs Memorandum of Understanding to Attract Global Specialized Hospitals

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2023-09-12 Views653

On Tuesday, September 12, 2023, IFEZ signed a memorandum of understanding with the Sungkwang Medical Foundation to promote the attraction of global specialized hospitals. The global specialized hospital is to establish a global cell therapy, anti-aging, and infertility treatment mecca on the site of Songdo International City International Hospital (I-11, Songdo-dong 28-1). Cha Hospital plans to build medical facilities such as infertility hospitals, clinical test centers, stem cell treatment centers, and "Bio-cell Bank," as well as Songdo Campus of Cha Medical College, which is relocated by students, research facilities operated by Cha Bio Group, and reagent production facilities.