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Lotte Biologics Signs Memorandum of Understanding to Attract Investment in Biopharmaceutical Mega Plant

  • writer Incheon (IFEZ)
    Date2023-06-26 Views750

June 20, 2023 (Tuesday) IFEZ signed a memorandum of understanding with Lotte Biologics to attract biopharmaceutical mega plants. This agreement calls for cooperation with Lotte Biologics to attract biopharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing facilities in Songdo International City District 11, secure business sites, and start construction of facilities. It announced plans to invest a total of $3 billion to build three biopharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing facilities. A total of 360,000 liters of antibody drug megapLANT will be built with 120,000 liters of antibody drug culture facilities per manufacturing facility, and a Bio-Venture Initiative (Bio-Venture Initiative) will also be operated.